Tire Base Training Session #1: Introduction To Tire Base

Tire Base Training Session #1: Introduction To Tire Base

In this video, I will guide you through the Tire Base system, providing an overview of its features and functionalities. I will explain how to navigate the dashboard, access different modules, and perform tasks such as inventory management, customer management, and creating purchase orders. I will also highlight important settings and integrations. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a good understanding of how to use Tire Base effectively. Please watch the video to familiarize yourself with the system and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.

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00:00 Introduction
01:21 Dashboard Overview
02:49 Menu Bar
04:57 Location
05:51 Tirebase POS System
07:26 Inventory Management
10:29 Expenses and Purchases
12:06 Customer and Vendor Management
12:51 Product and Service Search
15:13 Service Management
17:27 Customer Discounts
18:01 Rebates and Promotions
18:55 Intercompany Transfers and Inventories
19:43 Creating Inventory
20:19 CRM - Customer Relationship Management

00:00 What is going on guys and welcome to your first training session. I guess this is just, you know, getting started with tire base So if you know absolutely nothing about tire base, it's okay. 00:10 You're not alone. I'm here to help you in this journey In this video, I do want to set clear what we're going to go over. 00:18 We're going to go over briefly kind of like all the modules. So you, you know, kind of like how work orders are made, how purchase orders are received, you know, kind of like all the bells and whistles that tire base offers, both for tire wholesalers and tire shop retail owners. 00:33 So just keep in mind that if by the end of this video you walk out and you finish it and you say, you know what, I still don't know everything by heart. 00:41 It's okay. The best way to learn a system is to use it. So again, even if you need a demo license where you can play. 00:48 Around put stuff, you know, and, and, you know, try to break the system. If you, if you will, if you'd like to like touch buttons and put stuff, then let us know. 00:57 We could actually share a demo account where you could play around with it. But again, if not, again, just with the typical, results with typical usage of the system, right? 01:07 So someone in the operation, just be patient at first. But you know, as, as time goes by, trust me, it's going to get easier. 01:14 So with that being said, let's go ahead and start. And so when you log in, you're going to see your dashboard. 01:20 So the dashboards. Fairly simple. You know, you pretty much see how much income you've made the total expenses, new customers and invoices, a nice graph of your sales, recent clients added and recent orders added. 01:33 So, you know, you, you can't change this to weekly. You can't change this to years. So you know, and so that's, that's kind of nice. 01:42 You can also always provide feedback. So if you ever need to provide feedback, you can, you know, click on this yellow button and it allows you to give us some feedback or bugs or, you know, stuff like that. 01:53 But again, if you're also having questions or doubts on how to use something, you can always go to the tire base that I will help center. 02:00 And it's gonna, you know, you, you have a knowledge base here with videos and everything. And again, if you still can't find it, you can submit a ticket or you can contact the person who will. 02:09 Onboarded you. So again, if I onboarded you or David onboarded you, whoever onboarded you, you know, you should have your direct line and you can always feel free to reach out any of us. 02:18 Okay. So with that being said, that's the dashboard. Before I jump into other modules, I do want to touch on the location. 02:25 I'm going to show you the location tab on top. If you are a multi-location user or business, you'll see all your locations right here on the top. 02:33 So location MX and location US. So in this case, our demo account is a business that has a location in Mexico and a location in the US. 02:42 Then you see you know, your profile information and then you have a menu bar right here on the side. So I'm going to go over the menu bar first, just briefly and the menu bar. 02:53 We have a work orders, which is where you can create orders quotes or invoices. Purchases, so the purchases modules, obviously where you can purchase stuff, right? 03:01 You can receive tires. You can, you know, say we bought some pizza and record an expense. Products and services is where you search stuff, right? 03:10 You search tires, you search service so on and so forth. Inventory. Obviously, how you do inventory counts, maybe do intercompany transfers, so on and so forth. 03:20 Customers, it's a CRM, so you can keep track of your customers or information, their vehicles, their locations. Reports, self-explanatory. Money movements is- is actually and again, I'll touch- well, I could probably touch on based on this. 03:35 At- at the bottom right here, we have a closed daily sale button and what this does is it tells you how much money you should have. 03:42 So, in this case, let's say that my cash box every day has $250. When I click here again, it's going to tell me how much money I should have based on my sales. 03:52 So I should have, you know, right now I haven't done anything, so I should have zero, but let's say that, you know, I have $100 extra once you do this, it's going to automatically- close the day. 04:02 It's really just a closing end report. And once you close the day the money movements are shown here so that it can be reconciled easily with your accounting. 04:12 So again, if your store sold $10,000, 5,000 of them were in cash, 5,000 of them were in card, you're going to, you know, put that in your closed daily sell report and it's going to show up on your money movement you know, every day, how, how much cash, how much cards, how many finance you had per day 04:30 . So that's that module right there. And then settings, you know, again, we'll, we'll talk briefly about setting. Things in a moment, but just general settings about the system, the, the, you could change this, the language of the system here. 04:41 So currently we do support English and Spanish. And then we already talked about the closed daily sell function. And then we have employee clock in, clock out. 04:53 This is a nice little touch, you know. So again, if, if I don't know, let's say put right here Fernando, we're going to clock in and we're going to go ahead and clock out again, you know. 05:03 So it's a nice way to keep track of time if that's what you need. And then one of my favorite features dark mode or light mode. 05:12 Again, a lot of people seem to really enjoy working in dark mode and so we've incorporated that into our system. 05:18 And so with that being said, let's go ahead and start with work orders. So, so now I will go over very detailed in a very detailed manner again. 05:39 And pretty much every single module. And if that's the case, again, I would recommend you continue watching the Getting Started series where you'll see the Tirebase POS. 05:48 You don't see anything here because we're building them right now. We're recording them. But you will see you know, the Tirebase POS system side of things. 05:55 That I will break it down by module and the videos you should be watching by order in detail. And so in this case, you know, I'm just gonna go over just briefly how it works. 06:05 So in the work orders module, you know, we could create orders here. We can create customers. We can use a cash card. 06:11 Customer or we could search by article, you know, customer database. We can also do inspections based on work orders that we've opened, that we have open. 06:20 And we can also keep track of our appointment. So appointments that our customers are doing. Again, to edit in this thing order, you can just click on it. 06:30 Right here we have Leon Picasso. And pretty much you can assign vehicles. You can again, if there's a setting in the store where, you know, this version might be slightly different. 06:42 If you're a retail shop, you'll have the vehicle section. If you're a wholesale, you're going to have the ship to location. 06:48 So again, if this is a tire, a discount tire, well, maybe it's going to have a billing address of discount tire in Arizona, but a specific ship to and, you know, somewhere else. 06:58 But anyways then you can also add products here. So if we wanted to search by the size, we could do that. 07:05 If we wanted to search by brand, we could do that. We can also search by part number. So if I type a, let's see, a G S. 07:16 I can find that. Now, also, if you, for whatever reason, can't find the product that you're looking for right here, you can always click on the quick look up right here and you can search tires this way. 07:27 So again, this is a very easy way. Something to keep in mind are. System does have a, about 55,000 SKUs already added with specs and most of them do have images. 07:40 And as you can see, you know, they're high res image. And to see the specs let's see here. To, to see the specs, you simply click on the brand and you can see all the specs of the tire. 07:55 So that's again, a very nice feature. Something also to keep in mind is, let's see here. If you hover on the price, you will be able to see again, how much is your profit, what was your last cost, your average cost, how much is amount and a quick out the door price for your customers. 08:16 So yeah once we decided to add something, we could go ahead and add that part. And then, you know, there's automatically like automation rules that adds service based on a tire. 08:28 So in this case, we have that when a tire is added to add tire mount specialty for $50. And then you can play around also with the taxes if you want to. 08:36 So if your customer is taxable or non taxable, but you still want to tax it, you can, you know, everything is modifiable to your liking. 08:44 You can also see the math of taxes here and you can add reference number, sales technician appointment, all that stuff is here. 08:52 So to. Finalize in order, you simply go in and click finalize. You would select the type of the payment method, which is fully customizable. 09:00 If you do a SEMA snap, a firm cash card, visa, whatever, you can create those and customize these. In this case, I'm just going to say they're paying card. 09:09 Cash, not to mention also we do have now tire based payments. So if you don't have a card processing machine or if you're looking for a new car processing that integrates fully, you know, with tire base feel free to reach out for more questions about that. 09:23 But for now, again, I'm just going to use. Cash, I'm just going to click add and click save and close. 09:29 You do have the ability to save and send send an invoice to sign. So again, this is if you don't want to print the paper and have a customer, you know, I guess. 09:41 Write it on a piece of paper and then keep a physical, tangible paper file. You can always just send this invoice to be signed virtually via email or text and your customer can sign it. 09:52 And then again, you keep a database of that internally digitally. And that is compliant. With IRS. So, you know, that's great. 10:00 So that's all about the work order module. So the purchase purchase order module or purchases module we have here purchases expenses, vendors, and expense categories. 10:12 So again, expenses. I'm going to jump because that's really much easier and expenses really if, if we're buying some pizza for the guys and you want to keep track of those expenses, our system allows you to do that. 10:23 You simply go here and then say, who made that expense? When was the expense? You know, if there's a specific. 10:29 Purchase holder assigned to it, that's optional. And then you get to pick the expense category. In this case, I don't have an expense category for food, but let's say that I'm going to create one right now. 10:41 So we click food, we say that cash, and we say. That we are taking $100 for pizza. And we click save. 10:51 And now we have just recorded $100 worth of pizza expense for our guys. And it's that simple. Again, keep in mind that that is updated on the dashboard. 11:00 So now I immediately see that for. Today I've spent $100 and I've sold $102. So we're still having some profit. 11:09 Well, maybe not because, you know, you have cost of goods. So, but you get the deal, right? So that's how purchases are done. 11:16 Expenses are done. You manage your expense categories here and then vendors. This is where we talk about suppliers specifically. So again, I have ATD, Amazon you know, the wholesale tire distributors. 11:29 You can add new, new suppliers. You can, you know, edit the existing ones. You can determine here if they have terms, if they're paying, you know, with card or, or if you're paying them with card their tax exempt that they're taxing, you know, if you're selling they're charging your sales tax, so on 11:46 and so forth. All that stuff is customizable. Keep track of how much you owe them. Now, although we are integrated with QuickBooks, you know, we highly recommend you integrate with QuickBooks so you could keep your accounting nice and clean through QuickBooks. 12:01 You could still technically not have to use QuickBooks. You could keep track of customers and your vendors you know, that's through Tirebase. 12:12 So now let's just say that I'm going to create a new purchase order. We select the vendor and then in the reference number, we're going to put the invoice number, but for now we don't have one because we want to buy some Tirebase. 12:22 So same thing, if you have the part number, you can type it, but let's say it's a 205-5516, and it's specifically a Michelin. 12:30 So again, if I don't want to scroll down here until I find the specific Michelin, I can actually click on the quick lookup bar, type 205-256. 12:39 I can sort, specifically, by Michelin. And again, right now it's going to show me zero because we have this include items, so to exclude items in zero, but if I checkbox this, it's going to show me all the Michelin stuff. 12:52 And let's say that I'm going to use a crossbar. It's climate plus. So I'm going to buy four and we're going to buy them for, I don't know, let's say two, one, 25, 69, 60. 13:03 We're going to click select. Now we've added them here. Again, the total is 502. This is tax exempt. We could update FET. 13:14 Obviously this tire does not have FET and we can include freight. So let's say we are actually paying $20 FedEx to have these tires FedExed out to us. 13:23 So we can add that freight automatically here. We can go ahead and update the PO. As you can see, we can print to the PO as well. 13:31 So we could keep that in, you know, in paper if you want to, which I, I don't know why you would need a paper PO. 13:38 Like I get, I get the whole process. But anyways, you do want to give you that option if you want to print out the paper PO, but ideally you, you just need it, you know, digitally, right? 13:50 That's what we're trying to strive for. And so here immediately we can see that this PO is in pending status, meaning we haven't paid it, and it's on the way. 13:57 So we haven't received it yet. So to receive this type of PO, you know, we just got these tires. Let's say that we just got these tires. You simply click on on way, and it asks you if you want to receive these tires. 14:05 You click yes. Automatically tires have been received. So now if I go back to my 2055516 tires and again I'm gonna go ahead and select the Michelin specifically. 14:22 Now keep in mind, we are doing some improvements. One of the improvements is that we're going to show everything that shows in stock at the beginning so that we don't have to do this filter. 14:31 But at this point, I can see here that these tires have been received. I see four in stock. If I click on the four, I'll see a detail history or we call it our quick unit tracking report. 14:41 We'll be able to see, you know, we created the item, you know, zero ATD. We bought four for one twenty five sixty eight. 14:49 And as you could see our selling price is one fifty seven based on our markup rules. So if a customer wanted to come here and buy them I can immediately tell them all four tires out the door is eight twenty eight forty. 15:02 So again, you can see that that's how the purchase order module works. And as you already know, we kind of already touched the products and service module, but this is where you could search products, you could search services, you can add new services, you can add rules to apply automatically. 15:20 Into your, you know, if you're adding a specific tire or something, you can add rules to automatically add this service into those work quarters. 15:28 And by default, we do create some services for you. So four wheel alignment, all these that you can't delete, obviously. 15:36 Have been automatically added for you because everybody offers these services. You can edit the price. Obviously everybody has a different price. 15:43 So if you want to charge a tire mount base you know, for 25 bucks or 20 or 15 or 10 then that's up to you. 15:52 Again. If you do offer, you know, use tire as a service or whatever tire, tire stem or whatever, you could have all these services here. 16:01 You can also, you know, play around with categories. You can play with brands if you want to add a new brand, but let's say that you want to add a new product. 16:08 So to add a new product, you simply go to products, you click add and you add a product here. You can determine whether it's a wheel, tire, or an other. 16:17 Other would be anything like a supply or part or whatever. You put the part number, the description brand. Style, all that stuff. 16:25 So again, if you do want a more in depth video on how to add a product into tire base, be sure to go into our knowledge base and, and follow up or watch that video. 16:37 So, and I'm just adding here. A note for me to remember. So perfect. Keep in mind also that there is this show advanced options option that you can check and it prompts you to provide a lot more detail. 16:54 So if you want to have a lot of detail on your product. You can, you can do that. But for the most part, we've only kept, you know, the most essential fields. 17:04 So again, here you also determine the price levels. So how much do you want to build? How much are you wanting? 17:12 Thanks for watching! To mark up. So again, if you select here, we can say that these are price levels assigned to customers. 17:21 Okay. So again, if I have my default price level, that's a 0% discount. But if I have my gold customer, I might want a 7% discount or my platinum an 8%. 17:32 Diamond might be 10% and so on and so forth. So, you know, you can mark diamond as default. You could do a specific amount. 17:41 You could do a percentage. You can do price exceptions. So again, here you can say specifically for Arroyo tires and specifically, or let's do actually a Goodyear, right? 17:56 I was part of the Goodyear G3X program and I knew that the assuring difference all season often times would come up with a nice rebate at the end of the quarter. 18:07 So what we can do here is I can say, you know what, I want to get minus $10 on this from the average cost. 18:17 And I want it to be a fixed minus $10 on all my shins all season. I want minus $10 so that my cost can be lower or my selling price can be lower and I can push my product further. 18:30 You can go ahead and add that. And again, these are just nice rules. To have same with price matrix. Again, this just tires from zero to $59.99. 18:39 How much do we increase? And again, you can pretty much edit the percentage, but you cannot edit the range. Okay. 18:49 You can add for the ranges. But again, just, we try to make it simple so that it's not over complicated. 18:55 The inner company transfers or the inventories again, to create an inventory, you just click on add, you select the brands the type of inventory, but then you can also see, you know, the final end product, right? 19:08 So in this case, we had 495 Arroyos we counted 525, so we're doing a variance of 26 over. So again, this is just inventory control. 19:22 You can also update the minimum and maximum stock. So again, if you want to run reports based on how much you're supposed to have. 19:29 So let's say I have 508 Arroyos, but I'm supposed to have 1000 at all time. That's my minimum. Then you can keep track of that stuff here and you can export a template. 19:38 And easily import your minimum and maximums. And then finally the intercompany transfer. Again, if I'm, I, if I were to send some inventory to my US location or my Mexico location this is a module where we would do it. 19:50 You know, we would select the store. We're sending the product. We're going to say. AGS 001. We're going to send, I don't know, 100 of these products. 19:59 We're going to go ahead and confirm the price, the notes, and we're going to click on transfer. Again, you can print this if you want to. 20:06 So you can go ahead and give that to your, you know, driver. But if not, you know, once it's received and the inventory will automatically be deducted as a transfer. 20:19 CRM. So one of my favorite modules here, you get to see your customers pretty much you get to see. You get to, you can export them, you can import them, you can download a customer template if you want to import and you know, we require specific formats, so you can get that template there. 20:36 And then you could also search for duplicates. So again, if you have a lot of data, it could tell you, Hey, look, they don't. 20:42 Picasso has, you know, we have two individuals that probably match. We recommend you merge them. So yeah, that's a very nice tool and feature to have. 20:52 You can also see the inactive and cast active customers. You can do bulk edit. So again, if you're wanting to, you know, change multiple price levels at once, let's say we all want all these customers to update to a price level of platinum. 21:09 We could do that immediately and fairly easy. So with that being said, once we create it, or add a new customer, click on add. 21:17 You can add whether it's an individual or a business. You can tell if they, you want a COD, meaning cash on delivery or terms. 21:25 You can also do you know, business name, phone number, all that stuff. But you can also assign a salesperson. So again, if somebody, if you're keeping track of commissions for if you're wholesaling or selling stuff, uh, tax exempt, if you have a resale certificate, you can put their tax ID here. Again, 21:54 it's nice to just have all that information in one place. And then the default store, right? So are they going to be buying from our Mexico location or our US location by default? 22:02 And then finally, the tax rate. So again are we billing him the tax, the Texas sales tax, I see tax exempt so on and so forth. 22:12 So once you've created a customer, let's say Hertz right here, you're going to be able to click on their customer profile. 22:19 And you're going to be able to see Hertz. You're going to see their pricing level, their terms. You know, they, they pay once a week $10,000 credit, their tax exempt. 22:29 And now we can see how much they bought from us. What's their history, the vehicles. Again, this is actually a bad customer to, to reference because we don't have any historical data, but let's say, let's, let's use David. 22:43 We love David. I mean, he, he's a great customer. He's a diamond top of the line, best pricing, but we can see, you know, all the orders, everything he's bought. 22:51 From us and he owes us nothing because he pays everything. So obviously, you know, he's cash payment method, but you get the idea, right? 22:59 You also get a nice little log here with everything that's going on. David's account. We can see David David's vehicle. 23:06 So we see he has several. Tesla's and F one 50. We can add more vehicles again. We use it. We're powered by car facts. 23:15 So you could just search by license plate or Vin. And we also allow, again, locations for fleet accounts. Again, if you're getting discount tire. 23:24 Well, which location bought what tire from again, this tire access module is accessible only for our tire base advance plans, but there's a B2B portal. 23:35 So let's say we wanted David to have access to tire access. This is where we can. Give him access to tire access. 23:42 And again, if you're curious about any one of these features, you know, I will be doing more videos about that. 23:47 So feel free to check them out data migration. There's actually quite nice, a very nice feature. So if you're moving or migrating, from an old system, we allow all that system that you had previously to be transferred over to your new system. 24:03 Now we can't natively, I guess, install all that historical data sometimes because of the way the data is formatted. But we can guarantee you that you'll be able to at least buy customer at least again here. 24:18 If David had bought tires from us in our old system, let's say I was using tire guru before or Napa tracks or whatever and David had a record in that POS. 24:28 System and I import it into a tire base. Well, at least I'm going to be able to see what David had bought, the date how much he paid so I can verify, you know, if he had a road hazard, if he bought these tires from me and that way we don't lose that data that so many times, you know. 24:44 I've been victim myself where you switch systems and you lose all this data so it's very frustrating. So not with tire base. 24:52 And then again in reports we have, you know, pretty much some standard reports. We haven't really done a lot of in-depth reports. 25:00 We do offer custom reports by the store. So again, if you have a specific report you're looking for, each store has about three reports. 25:09 You can let us know how you want the format of those reports. We'll build them for you and we'll add them for you. 25:15 So that way you have the data and your reports in a way that you want them. So either way, we've built, you know, some general reports that you might need. 25:24 You can download them via Excel or PDF. And yeah, so the last sales report is just a way to keep track of what you didn't have in stock. 25:34 Again, money movements, like I said, here we could see how much, you know, we've actually sold, how much we should have, and so on and so forth. 25:42 Settings again, this is a very complicated module, so I'm not going to go into depth, but here you can manage your users. 25:49 You know, we have all these users that are accessing our demo account. In this case you could keep track of your employees, you know, so when you add a new employee, again, you can keep track of your employee data their birthday, what they like to do, a hobby, favorite place to eat. 26:05 You know, the locations they have access to through Tirebase, their position, you know, et cetera. You do have the ability to give permissions to specific profiles of users. 26:21 Again, you have multiple locations. You can add more locations here. When you create a new location, you can add the location name, the default tax rate, the phone, email, address, you know, invoice number, so on and so forth. 26:35 You can also do a bank account. So again when we do deposits and when we do integrations, we typically do ask you to create at least a generic bank account. 26:46 So you could do that here. And then if you're using QuickBooks you know, or payment methods, you know, when we, the, the reason we need this information specifically, and again, I'll, I'll talk more about in depth once you they'll, they'll probably be like a payment method video. 27:05 But the reason why we need to map this is because if you're getting paid in cash, we need to know where the cash is going to which bank account. 27:13 Trust me. Accounting wise, it's going to save you tons of time. Just trust me. So payment methods, again, here, if you do a SEMA, you could change all that stuff here. 27:24 Terms, maintenance, tax rates, it's integrations. We're so happy and proud that we finally integrated with QuickBooks. We've integrated with Stripe and parts tech. 27:36 So again, our tire based payments are powered through Stripe. So the same company that process payments for billion dollar company. 27:42 Companies like Lyft you know, Twilio, all these other companies that use Stripe. So we're happy to be able to partner with them and same with parts tech. 27:49 So general you know, this is where you add your logo. You can add appointment reminders. If you have set an appointment so that you. 27:58 Customer gets an automatic text. Again, if you want to deactivate or enable the technician seller vehicle and you know, some, some other stuff like custom notes for tire access for your invoices. 28:09 And then of course data migration, right? So if you're transferring data from an old POS system, you can. Do it from here. 28:16 So that was a long video. That was actually quite long. So I, like I said, if you didn't get all of this, please don't worry. 28:25 Don't stress the best way really to know the system to get to know and understand it is to. Use it. 28:31 Don't be afraid. If you break something, something happens. Feel free to reach out to us. Like I mentioned before, you can reach out to us via our Knowledge Base. 28:39 You can always submit a ticket. You can always, you know, the system always will have the dashboard. You can contact us via email or phone. 28:50 And yeah, if you have questions, feel free to reach out. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. 28:55 Thank you so much for trusting us and helping you manage your business. If there's any feature or anything that's missing that you feel would be integral. 29:02 For the success of your business or others please let us know. I'm always more than happy to, you know, listen to those feedback. 29:10 So thank you and enjoy the rest of your day. Peace.

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