In order to give access to Tire Base Team to see your license details you need to add them as a user and them give them permissions.
0:00 Hey, today I'm going to be teaching you how to give access to Tirebase Support Team. This is very helpful so that our team pretty much can access your license and they can see the errors that you're seeing at any time you can remove this access, but for now let's just get started.
0:17 You're going to go into the settings module, which is, again, right here, just the gear icon or the settings if you expect.
0:24 Once you go to settings, you're going to go into employees and users, you're going to go and make sure that, uh, Tirebase has not been added.
0:32 You can either search Tirebase or you can search the info at Tirebase email. Now in this case you see Tirebase has been added under this email, uh, but let's assume that in your case you're not going to see that.
0:44 So we're just going to go ahead and click add. We're going to go ahead and type Tirebase. Tirebase. I'm going to add here just a random email, but for this email, it's actually going to be info at Tirebase.io. you just select all of them.
1:14 And then now you're just going to save this. Once you save, uh, you're going to make sure you remember. So Tirebase.
1:21 So now you're going to search again, Tirebase here. Now you're going to be able to see that Tirebase is an employee, but does not have access.
1:30 So we're almost there. Now you're going to go into actions, click those three buttons. You're going to click on create.
1:36 User, and you're going to, again, select the locations you want Tirebase to have access to, and you're going to select the username.
1:45 So in this case, the username is irrelevant. It could be whatever you want. Honestly, this is just, uh, it could just be called Tirebase.
1:52 You could just type Tirebase and the role you want to make sure you select admin. Once you're done, you're going to click save. Now Tirebase is going to be notified.
2:00 That we have been given access and now we're going to be able to access, uh, you know, your account for you.
2:08 Now any change that we do is going to be under our name and the name that you put for us.
2:12 Uh, make sure that the email is info, I N F O, uh, info at tirebase.io and that you give us an admin role.
2:23 Okay. at any time you don't want it to. To have access anymore. You can just simply disable the employee and nobody in our team will be able to have access to your information.
2:31 Thank you and have a great day.